Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf

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  2. Orthodox Psychotherapy Hierotheos Vlachos Pdf
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  4. Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Online

In other words, 'Orthodox psychotherapy' is the therapy of Soul in the original sense. It should help to find him-self in sense of self-knowledge, in order to overcome the spiritual disorientation by return to God and to origin of the Human in his proper nature and goodness. Facebook: @SonOfEternalRome book by Metropolitan Ierotheos S. Vlachos of Nafpaktos.

Hierotheos (Vlachos)

Metropolitan Hierotheos (Greek: Γεώργιος Βλάχος) is a Greekmetropolitan and theologian.

He was born in 1945 in Ioannina, Greece.[1] He graduated from the Theological School of the University of Thessaloniki and was ordained priest in 1972 and bishop in 1995.[1] His diocese is the Metropolis of Nafpaktos and Agios Vlasios.

His book, The Person in the Orthodox Tradition, was awarded the first prize for the 'top theological work written in Greece in 1991-96' by the Academy of Athens.[2]


  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (2015). I Know a Man in Christ: Elder Sophrony the Hesychast and Theologian. Holy Monastery of the Birth of the Theotokos.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (2007). Hesychia and Theology: The Context for Man's Healing in the Orthodox Church. Levadia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokas Monastery.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (1999). The Person in the Orthodox Tradition. Levadeia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (1996). Life After Death. Levadia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (1994). Orthodox Spirituality: A Brief Introduction. Levadia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (1994). Orthodox Psychotherapy: The Science of the Fathers. Levadia Levadhia, Greece: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery.
  • Vlachos, Hierotheos (1993). The Illness and Cure of the Soul in the Orthodox Tradition. Levadia: Birth of the Theotokos Monastery Press.

Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Template


Orthodox psychotherapy pdf download
  1. ^ abBiographical note in Pemptousia Orthodox Theology magazine
  2. ^Biographical note in the National Greek Book Centre profile, Greek Ministry of Culture

Orthodox Psychotherapy Hierotheos Vlachos Pdf

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Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Download

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Orthodox Psychotherapy Pdf Online

Met Hierotheo's finest text - which I accidentally stumbled across and read with little understanding of theology. Total gibberish back then, when I came across it in a jumble-sale of a book-shop in central Athens, when looking for any, ANY book on Orthodoxy in English (my Greek being non-existent). It was the only English title languishing on the shelf. I bought it without realising that it was completely inappropriate for someone who had hardly ever ventured into any serious study of theology, and had barely even stood through a single Liturgy! Of course - like learning football or training for an ultra-marathon, theology is not something that can be achieved purely through reading books about it - you actually have to do it - and having a great coach who understands your limitations is also a tremendous boost, or you can develop all kinds of injuries... but I digress..
Anyhow - this book turns conventional notions of modern Psychotherapy somewhat on it's head and deals with curing the person through that great hospital for sick souls : the Orthodox Church.
A book that takes time to grow into before you 'get it' but certainly one that I look forward to dipping into every once in a while - it makes more and more sense. Not something for a newbie though! And in keeping with Met. Hierotheo's other writing: he doesn't mince his words!

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